Scar Tissue Stripping and Trigger Point Removal

  • 1 Hour

  • By combining ancient Eastern philosophy with modern western neuromuscular therapy we'll be able to seek out trigger points and the scar tissue associated with them for removal. This allows us to eliminate chronic and acute pain, restructure posture, and correct improper movement patterns for long term issue eradication.

 About Trigger Points:  Muscle is the largest organ in the human body, and accounts for about 50% of its weight. There are approximately 400 muscles (there are individual variations), and any one of those can develop trigger points (knotted up sections of muscle fiber) which can refer pain and cause dysfunction. Symptoms can range from intolerable agonizing pain caused by "active" trigger points, to painless restriction of movement and distortion of posture from "latent" trigger points.

Foam Rolling Instruction

  • 1 Hour

  • Through these courses you will gain mastery over the optimal and most effective method of foam roller utilization. In addition an individualized self care program will be developed based around your specific wants and needs.


  • 60-90 Minutes

Modalities include:

- Swedish - Tui Na - Craniosacral Therapy

- Deep Tissue - Thai

Please contact me for more information regarding these techniques and which one would be right for you.

Services include:

- Heated Stone Massage

- Aromatherapeutic Body Wrap with Shoulder, Neck, and Scalp Massage


  • 90 Minutes